Into everybody’s life, a little red tape must fall. The members of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) are no exception. In addition to keeping up with the latest advances in medical treatments and managing their practice and patient concerns, doctors have to fulfill the requirements of the CPSO.
For example, physicians who have chosen to establish a corporation for the purposes of practicing medicine are required to apply to the College for a Certificate of Authorization, and to renew that certificate annually. Administering the Statutory Declaration in the annual Medical Corporation Renewal application is just one of the many ways Red Seal Notary can help you.
As previously mentioned, the Certificate of Authorization for Medical Corporations must be renewed each year. While the College does issue reminder notices for this renewal, shareholders in the corporation are responsible for ensuring the validity does not lapse. Renewal applications take approximately six weeks to process, forms must be completed in full for consideration, and any forms that are incomplete or incorrectly filled out will be returned.
The Statutory Declaration within the Annual Renewal form must be signed and dated by a Commissioner for Oaths, Lawyer, or Notary Public and submitted along with copies of the relevant corporate documents. If there have been any changes to the corporation name or amendments to its articles, copies of the previous certificates must be included in the application packages. The application has to be submitted within 15 days of the declaration being made.
If the renewal form is not filled out correctly and is returned to the applicant, it must often be corrected and initialed by the same office or you will need to complete the process all over again. That is why it’s a good idea to leave plenty of time to fill out the application, review it, and then check it again before declaring before a Notary and submitting it to the College.
It’s a well-known fact that being a physician in Ontario is a busy job that often comes with non-standard working hours. It may be difficult to find the time to travel to a lawyer, Notary Public, or Commissioner of Oaths. Your best bet in this case is to find someone who is able to come to you. It is certainly a very convenient option when you need documents notarized or commissioned. A mobile notary may be able to assist with the Medical Corporation Renewal application process at your home or office. It costs extra but minimizes your time spent on the forms, letting you get back to patient care.
The tedium of the Medical Corporation Renewal process can be lessened with the assistance of Red Seal Notary. Get the help you need so you can keep up with the important work you do every day, helping your patients live their lives to the fullest.