Losing possessions, whether it is because of theft, loss during travel, or damage due to fire or floods, can be very stressful. When you contact your insurance provider about making a claim, they will provide you with information about the next steps you need to take. Each insurance company will have their own form, called an “Insurance Proof of Loss” form, that you will need to submit to them in order to claim compensation for your missing or damaged property.
The Insurance Bureau of Canada is a helpful starting place to go to find information about making insurance claims. They recommend that you contact your insurance provider as soon as possible after your property is lost or damaged. They also suggest that you take photos/videos and take notes of any loss or damage as soon as possible, as long as it is safe to do so. You will need this information when you make your claim.
It is a good idea to keep receipts for major purchases in case of possible insurance claims in the future. As well, the Insurance Bureau of Canada recommends that everyone should keep a detailed inventory of personal possessions, with photos and copies of receipts or estimated values. Having this information is very helpful if you need to make an insurance claim in the future.
While each insurance company has their own form, the type of information requested will usually include first providing detailed information about the damage or loss that occurred. Then you will need to provide a list of the items that were lost or damaged that you wish to make a claim for. You also need to provide evidence of how much the replacement value is of the items that were damaged or lost. Providing receipts to prove the value of the items is very helpful. You may also need to demonstrate evidence of the loss. For instance, if a natural disaster has destroyed your home, you would likely be asked to provide photos and adjuster reviews of the damage.
Many insurance companies require that the Insurance Proof of Loss form be notarized or commissioned. This means that you need to sign the completed form in front of a Notary Public / Commissioner of Oaths and swear or affirm that the contents of the document are true. You will need to show photo identification to prove your identity prior to signing the document.
We have knowledgeable Notaries/Commissioners of Oaths who can notarize or commission Insurance Proof of Loss documents for you. Red Seal Notary has convenient walk-in offices in Toronto, Ottawa, and Mississauga where you can have the document notarized in person. You can also contact our helpful call center to make appointments to notarize documents at locations across the country.