Have you been asked to obtain a guarantor for a government document? A guarantor is an individual who can authenticate your identity and corroborate the details provided about you, ensuring that the information on an application or document is accurate.
A guarantor is an individual who serves several key roles:
• Confirming your identity
• Validating the information provided about you in the document
• Certifying the accuracy of statements made about you on an application
You may encounter the need for a guarantor when obtaining birth certificates, applying for a Canadian passport, or renewing other government-issued identification documents.
Typically, to qualify as a guarantor, individuals need to meet specific criteria, including:
• Meeting age requirements, usually being over 18 years old
• Being a Canadian citizen, particularly for guarantors for a Canadian passport application
• Meeting occupational criteria, such as belonging to a specified regulated profession like a doctor, lawyer or school principal
• Knowing you personally, often for a specified minimum period of time, such as two years. This can be challenging, particularly if you are new to Canada
Each government body or organization has its own set of rules for selecting a guarantor. If you are unsure about the requirements, it is advisable to contact the relevant government agency for assistance.
Who can qualify as a guarantor depends on the reason that you need one. You need to carefully review any forms that you must complete to ensure that the guarantor meets the specified requirements. Here are some common requirements for guarantors in Canada:
• Canadian Passport Application – the guarantor must be a Canadian citizen age 18 or older who holds a valid Canadian passport themselves and who has known you personally at least two years
• Ontario Name Change Application – the guarantor must be a member of an approved profession such as a judge, lawyer, doctor or school principal who has known you personally for at least 12 months
• Ontario Birth Certificate – application for a copy – the guarantor must be someone who has known you personally for at least two years who is a member of an approved profession such as doctor, lawyer, or school principal
• Security Guard License Renewal (Ontario) – the guarantor can be a lawyer or notary public who examines two unexpired pieces of your identification. They do not need to know you personally
If you are unable to find a suitable guarantor, there are alternate solutions available. We recommend reaching out to the concerned government agency to inquire about available options. Sometimes a sworn statement or declaration by you can be used instead of obtaining a guarantor. For example, if you are in the process of applying for a Canadian Passport but do not have a suitable guarantor, you can instead provide a Statutory Declaration in Lieu of a Guarantor (PPTC 132 form) which you must sign in the presence of a notary public or commissioner of oaths.
Do you require notarization for your Statutory Declaration in Lieu of a Guarantor document or other guarantor forms that can be signed by a notary who does not know you personally? Red Seal Notary is here to assist. Red Seal Notary’s team of knowledgeable and professional notaries can help you commission or notarize your documents at our convenient walk-in offices in Toronto, Ottawa, and Mississauga, as well as by appointment at locations across Canada. Please visit our website at www.RedSealNotary.com or contact our helpful call center at 1-888-922-7325 to make an appointment to notarize documents at locations across the country.
Canadian Passport Guarantor Information
Ontario Name Change Application
Ontario Birth Certificate – application for a Copy
Ontario Security Guard renewal information